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University of Alberta

Between Culture, Faith, and ... Queerness? The collision of sexuality and culture in Canadian multicultural contexts


When it comes to welcoming new Canadians to our stolen land, is it a prerequisite that they have to be queer/trans inclusive?  This workshop-discussion will take off from the launching point that Letts (2002) describes that we can't just 'add lgbt and stir', but rather, need to consider how queerness intersects with faith, culture, and language in culturally responsive ways. We will investigate the rise of multiculturalism in the last two decades and how this rise has also given to an increase in homo/transphobia in the Canadian context, and in particular, within learning environments. Is there space for everyone in Canada, and in our universities, if being LGBTQ2S+ friendly is mandatory? 



Brent Saccucci (he/they) is a queer educator, activist, and drag queen (named Sarah Tonin') who is both instructor and doctoral student in the Department of Secondary Education, University of Alberta. A stand up comic in his spare time, Brent's work focus on research-creation and queer justice in schools, all while having fun, centering humour, and playing. Brent holds an MA in Curriculum & Sexuality Studies from OISE/UT and is also an Adjunct Professor in UBC's teacher education program. 

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