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University of Manitoba

Experience of Professional Counsellors: Developing Multicultural Knowledge, Awareness,
and Skills

This presentation will advance the research field and university programs by providing a preliminary framework identified by professional counsellors regarding the development of multicultural knowledge from which novice counsellors may be able to draw from in order to increase their own understanding of how to integrate multicultural knowledge and practice. This presentation is based on a research project that identified various factors by which counsellors develop a multicultural base of knowledge to inform their practice when working with culturally diverse clients. This study examined various factors that affect their understanding of what it means to be a “multicultural counsellor”, including their perception of challenges and outcome expectations in developing a multicultural framework to situate their practice. In addition, the study also looked at the role of self-efficacy in the formulation of treatment decisions that counsellors have in their ability to work effectively with clients from different diverse groups.

Priya Mani is an Associate Professor in the Counselling Psychology program (Faculty of Education) at University of Manitoba. Research interests include career development, cultural diversity and professional development of counsellors.

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